A player character, often referred to as a PC or just a character, is a players' representation or avatar in the game world. A character functions as their eyes, ears, hands, and mouth.
When they interact with other characters, the Game Moderator voices them as Non-Player Characters.
Although a player only has one primary character at a time, they may take an Apprentice (see page x).
In game terms, a character is comprised of their physical and mental attributes, the skills that they have learned throughout their lives, and the secondary statistics derived from those attributes and skills.
Each character has attributes – Reason, Acumen, Physicality, Influence & Dexterity. These are referred to as the RAPID Range.
Attributes start -2 (Lame) and go as high as +4 (Human Peak). Characters start at 0 (Average).
Attributes can go up to +5 (Animalistic) in the case of animals and machines.
A character's RAID Range attribute is also their Attribute Modifier (AMod), which applies to any dice check that involves that attribute.
The RAPID Range attributes are:
Reason: The ability to process data, think critically, and make logical assumptions
Acumen: The instinct and cunning required for good situational awareness
Physicality: A measure of athleticism, discipline, self-control
Influence: A combination of charisma and physical beauty
Dexterity: Agility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination.
Characters have a variety of skills available to them based on their life experiences. The skill level for these skills ranges from -3 (Inept) to +4 (Life's work). This skill level is also known as the Skill Modifier (or SMod) and is added to any dice check using that skill.
Each character has a variety of skills that range from -3 to +4 based on their expertise. This number is the Skill Modifier (or SMod) that is applied to any dice check that uses that skill.
Each skill is linked to an attribute, such as Physicality being linked to Unarmed Combat. Modifiers are cumulative and so dice checks include both AMods and SMods.
A handful of skills require very specific training and start at -3 (Inept) instead of 0 (Untrained). As soon as a character has 1 level in that skill, they move from -3 (Inept) to +1 (Beginner). These skills are marked with an asterisk, such as Psychology*.
A total score of 9 or above is a Success but different scores bring gradations of success.
Characters have a series of Secondary Statistics that are derived from their attributes and skills. Secondary Stats play a significant role in gameplay, affecting combat, social interactions, and the character's part in the narrative.
These Secondary Stats are:
Wound Points (WP) determine how much damage a character can take before they become Mortally Wounded, and then Die. Characters start with 10 Wound Points + Physicality AMod + Dexterity AMod.
Resilience Points (RP) are a measure of how much damage or stress it takes to Incapacitate a character. Each character starts with 6 Resilience Points + Physicality AMod.
Defensive Modifiers (DMs) lower the chances of a character getting hit and decrease damage before it affects their health. A characters' Melee Defensive Modifier is their Physicality AMod, and their Ranged Defensive Modifier is their Dexterity AMod.
Initiative determines the order in which a participant acts in combat. Each character has an Initiative Modifier (INIT) that is the sum of their Acumen and Dexterity AMods and is added to an Initiative check.
Encumbrance (ENC) is how much weight a character can carry before needing to stop and rest or drop something. Characters start with an Encumbrance value of 6 + Physicality AMod.
Perception reflects both how well a character picks up on subtle clues and how tuned in they are to their environment. The Perception modifier is the sum of a character's Reason and Acumen AMods.
Morality reflects how aligned a character is to their Motivations and Complications. Morality starts at 3 for each character and can fluctuate during gameplay based on how a character acts.
During combat or particularly stressful situations, characters may lose Resilience Points. If they lose enough, they hit their Panic Threshold and have an adverse reaction. See Panic.
Similar to their Panic Threshold, each character has a Breaking Point before they have some kind of break-down or psychotic episode. See Breaking Point.
Each character has several narrative elements to help bring them to life. This includes three character-describing words, their Motivation and Complication, and any other details.
When creating a character, players pick three words that describe their core behaviors. These words should act as a touchpoint when roleplaying the character.
Each character has both a Complication and Motivation that drive them. These serve both as a roleplay and narrative tool, but also tie into Morality (see Morality on page xx).
Players can choose to roll 2d6 for a random Complication & Motivation.